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Calais Volunteer Trip with Verve

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Verve are leading a 3 day trip to Calais to volunteer with Help Refugees & Refugee Community Kitchen.  

They will be holding a fundraising campaign and donation drive prior to their departure - so if you can't make this trip and still want to give back - stay tuned!

They do quarterly volunteer trips to Calais so if you can't make this one don’t worry - their next trip will be in February 2019.


VERVE makes it easy for everyone of us to be a participant in the feminist movement.

Their persisterhood connects women globally online and ‘onland’ through activism, volunteerism, fundraising & awareness campaigns and Prosecco Think Tanks.

Activism shouldn’t be a scary word. Activism is varied and diverse and often has underlying universal themes of equality and respect. It also can and should be a whole lot of fun!

As Alice Walker said, “Activism is the rent I pay for living on the planet.” VERVE is our way of paying the rent.

For those of us with crazy busy lives, everyone at VERVE wants to make it easy to stay in the know about gender justice. You can help spread the word by following, liking and sharing their posts on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, and subscribing to their newsletter.  You can also participate in the myriad of activities VERVE organizes locally and worldwide.

VERVE embraces the privilege and opportunity to make all women’s voices  heard. Their feminism is intersectional and inclusive. They are not simply advocating for white women in the developed world. VERVE fights sexism, oppression, misogyny, human rights violations and inequality for women and girls who live under poverty and oppression. At VERVE we believe we are our sisters’ keepers.


Please email if you would like to join Verve on this trip. 

Dates: Thursday 1st November - Sunday 4th November

Venue details: Calais Refugee Camp